‘Not the same on Zoom’: For recovering addicts, why safe distancing could spell a relapse


CNA Insider

'Non the same on Zoom': For recovering addicts, why prophylactic distancing could spell a relapse

From traumatic flashbacks, to the overpowering urge for another hit, addicts share why they're feeling the effects of physical isolation more than virtually during the 'circuit breaker' period.

'Not the same on Zoom': For recovering addicts, why safe distancing could spell a relapse

We Care has moved its programmes and grouping plus counselling sessions to Zoom, during the 'excursion breaker' menstruation. (Photo: Nosotros Care Community Services)

twenty April 2022 06:15AM (Updated: 20 April 2022 03:10PM)

SINGAPORE: On the first 24-hour interval of the "circuit breaker", Eugene was triggered past a flashback of beingness sexually abused by his female parent for three years when he was in schoolhouse.

Ordinarily, his flashbacks resemble a polaroid-like snapshot, like an prototype of his mother'southward dress, and hit him like major gut punch.

But for the first time in his life, the 40-twelvemonth-old's memories served upwards the "most graphic flashback of them all" – a playback of the abuse happening to him.

"That moment tore downward all my belief that I am worthy of everything good, everything I've been trying to build all these years. Instead, I felt shame and guilt," he shared over the phone three days afterward the incident.

Eugene is i of the viii recovering addicts who spoke with CNA Insider, on condition of anonymity, well-nigh how the "circuit breaker" period amid the COVID-xix outbreak has affected their recovery.

"When the flashback happened, my mind froze," said Eugene. "I just cried and cried. I had major anxiety.

I couldn't talk. I couldn't even breathe. It'southward almost paralysing.

In normal times, he'd be able to turn hands to his counsellor, Tham Yuen Han – or Han, as her clients call her. For nine years, Eugene has been attending recovery support group sessions and individual counselling sessions at We Care Community Services, ever since he kickoff sought help for his methamphetamine addiction.

But under Singapore'south stringent safe distancing measures rolled out on Apr 7, We Intendance has had to move sessions online at least until May iv, possibly longer if the measures are extended. The recovery centre deals with a range of addictions, such equally alcohol, drug, sexual practice and love, gambling and binge eating.

Artwork past 'Eugene' expressing his emotions. The newspaper boat represents himself every bit an addict in the midst of chaos.


Eugene isn't the only recovering addict who has been triggered nether the stress and isolation of the past fortnight.

According to Yuen Han, the managing manager of We Care, the center commonly gets ii walk-in crisis situations in a week. But within the first week of the "circuit breaker", it attended to half-dozen crunch calls – v from current clients, and one from a newcomer.

These calls related, for instance, to trauma flashbacks, anxiety attacks, paranoia and financial distress.

Charles, 58, a recovering alcoholic, empathises with those struggling with having to stay home for weeks on terminate. "For those younger in their sobriety journey, it is very difficult to be confined in 1 place," he said.

"I remember the beginning fourth dimension I was on a plane for six hours (without alcohol) – I wanted to bound out of the airplane after 4 hours."

(File photo: Marcus Mark Ramos) File photograph: Marcus Mark Ramos

This period would also be "highly distressing" to newly recovering addicts who must live under the aforementioned roof with family members they accept strained ties with. Said Yuen Han: "Their addiction would take damaged their family relationship over the years, and they wouldn't have had enough recovery fourth dimension to mend it yet."

Structure is paramount to maintaining sobriety, fifty-fifty if one has been sober for years – it's even more crucial for addicts who are less than half dozen months into recovery. The latter, said Yuen Han, are "just learning to regulate their emotions and to deal with urges, triggers and cravings".

"They're besides in the early stages of establishing structure and routine. Previously that would entail coming into the eye daily, getting up at a certain fourth dimension, turning up for a specific meeting, checking in with the counsellor, or group therapy on a sure day at a sure time," she added.

The "circuit breaker" would have disrupted those routines.

Tham Yuen Han (second from correct), the managing manager of We Care, with volunteers and beneficiaries at a 2022 consequence. (Photo: We Care Community Services)


Just it'south the isolation that can almost take its price.

Accept Hafiz, 33, a newly recovering methamphetamine addict who has been clean for three months. When his wife – who'south in an essential service job – leaves for work every day, he'south left alone with his thoughts at habitation, and vulnerable to a relapse.

The toilet in his master bedchamber, where he would go loftier the past, can be particularly triggering. That'southward where technology has been a lifesaver for him. "I can simply go on YouTube, Spotify, become for my mindfulness talk, motivation talk (online)… In one twenty-four hours, I tin nourish two Zoom meetings," he said.

He has also been learning to develop a routine. "When I was young, nobody taught me how to plan a timetable, how to manage my life. Now, I fifty-fifty share my Google calendar with my wife, so she can see what I update there," he said.

Narcotics Bearding fundamental tags to remind 'Hafiz' of how many times he has "failed". (Photo: 'Hafiz')

He fifty-fifty took upwards work as a McDelivery rider, to continue his mind decorated. But after just eight days on the task, McDonald's suspended all operations.

Similarly, Eugene maintains a fixed schedule to keep his mind from "going haywire" during this fourth dimension at domicile. "I wake up and practise my meditation... So I call my sponsor and I go to equally many online meetings equally possible. Right now, we accept dejeuner meetings, evening meetings – and so basically, I merely stay connected."

He added: "My daily check-in (with Han) is of import right at present. We've increased counselling past phone and video to twice a week. Just to see her and hear her vocalization is comforting."

We Care has moved its programmes and group plus counselling sessions to Zoom, while counsellors and recovery guides too regularly call or text their clients to check in.

Using Zoom. (Photo: Unsplash/Tran Mau Tri Tam)

Can'T Replace A HUG

Only useful as applied science has been in helping them stay in touch, it is not the same as being physically in the aforementioned room as a fellow recovering aficionado sharing about their experiences.

Oliver, 29, who is recovering from an addiction to prescription substances, said: "It's the little tics, similar the mode they tell a story. The tone and everything. Not that online meetings hateful less, but they're but non the same."

Stuart, 63, a fellow member of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Singapore, says at that place's an intimacy in physical presence that heightens empathy.

Describing for example how members would giggle at each other'southward "terrible stories of imprisonment and violence", he said: "We just recognise the madness that drives otherwise prissy people to exercise excessive things."

Hugs are one of Eugene'due south favourite things at group sessions.  "I actually, really similar to become hugged by people. At the finish of the meeting, it's like, 'oh my god, cannot await to hug y'all guys'," he said.

Added Oliver: "As sympathetic and supportive equally your family members tin be, no one tin can give you that empathy other than another aficionado. And that itself is very empowering."

'Eugene' baked this cake.. He says addicts tend to exist about "all or nothing". When he does something, he goes all out. (Photo: 'Eugene')

Andrew da Roza, chairman of Nosotros Care and an addictions psychotherapist, understands that technology can mute the sense of beingness in a empathetic, non-judgmental environment.

"For addicts, that validation is extraordinarily of import... That'due south a fiddling bit lost on Zoom considering you don't feel the same free energy," he explained.

"As well, your brain has already associated that particular (meeting) room, all those chairs, the smell, and the light setting with feeling rubber."

In instance a client does take a astringent relapse, Nosotros Care has gotten an exemption from the Ministry of Merchandise and Industry that allows its counsellors to attend to onsite crisis cases with risk of cocky-damage, violence, and suicide.


Only for the most part, the recovering addicts that CNA Insider spoke to take found means to cope with this safe distancing menstruation.

Belle, 45, does so by helping others. Once plagued past loneliness at the height of her drug addiction, and the fear of not being accustomed for being transgender, she has since gone for a peer support specialist course to learn to attain out to others.

"Apr 24 volition mark my 18th month of being clean. I believe my base is already solid, so I piece of work with newcomers (during this "circuit breaker"). I text them and ask how they are," she said, adding that she also encourages them to bring together the Zoom meetings.

Not anybody is so tech savvy. Older folks brand up a significant portion of drop-ins at We Care.

Said Ben, 38, who is five months into his recovery: "Almost of them didn't know how to apply the computer initially. Only the turnout for Zoom meetings has been quite good – a lot of the seniors are learning how to utilize Zoom, so it's very comforting."

Elizabeth, 53, is i of them. "All this while, I didn't know virtually computers. But when I came to Nosotros Care, they gave me a chance to larn to employ computers, use a smartphone. All of my life, I just knew only how to apply drugs."

Charles, now 16 years sober, is confident that the "circuit breaker" won't make him pick upward a drinkable over again. In fact, he sees it as an enforced one-month interruption from piece of work.

"For many of us with habit, we're also workaholics. We do things either cipher or everything. Then, cheers to the virus for allowing me time to accept care of myself," he said.

As for Eugene, boredom – more then than nasty flashbacks – is the biggest enemy to his sobriety. While others might turn to Netflix to impale time, he loathes sitting around; he needs to motility.

"I have 2 dogs. And then I walk them twice a twenty-four hours," he said.

"I likewise plan to clean out my closet, throw away stuff I don't need. Side by side matter I'm doing is make clean up my pantry. Probably run 10km a day. I'grand going to be the healthiest I've ever been, when this is all over," he quipped.

For help with addiction:

We Care Community Services
6547 5459 or 9641 9648

assistance [at] wecare.org.sg ()

Alcoholics Bearding Singapore
8112 8089

help [at] singaporeaa.org ()

Sex activity and Love Addicts Bearding Singapore
slaa.singapore [at] gmail.com ()

Narcotics Anonymous Singapore
8405 8432

publicinfo [at] nasingapore.org ()

National Addictions Management Services (NAMS)
6732 6837

National Trouble Gambling Helpline
1800 666 8668


Source: https://cnalifestyle.channelnewsasia.com/cna-insider/not-same-zoom-recovering-addicts-why-safe-distancing-could-spell-relapse-279991

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