What Is Globalization?

And How Has the Global Economy Shaped the United States?

After centuries of technological progress and advances in international cooperation, the globe is more connected than e'er. But how much has the ascension of trade and the mod global economic system helped or injure American businesses, workers, and consumers? Here is a basic guide to the economic side of this broad and much debated topic, drawn from current inquiry.

Globalization is the word used to describe the growing interdependence of the world's economies, cultures, and populations, brought about by cross-border trade in goods and services, engineering science, and flows of investment, people, and information. Countries have built economic partnerships to facilitate these movements over many centuries. Simply the term gained popularity after the Cold War in the early 1990s, as these cooperative arrangements shaped modern everyday life. This guide uses the term more narrowly to refer to international trade and some of the investment flows amid advanced economies, by and large focusing on the U.s..

The wide-ranging furnishings of globalization are complex and politically charged. Every bit with major technological advances, globalization benefits club every bit a whole, while harming certain groups. Agreement the relative costs and benefits can pave the way for alleviating problems while sustaining the wider payoffs.

Today, Americans rely on the global economy for many of the things they buy and sell, and to expand their businesses and make investments. Many products and services accept go affordable to the average American through the coordination of product across countries.

Today, Americans rely on the global economy for many of the things they buy and sell, and to expand their businesses and brand investments. Many products and services take become affordable to the boilerplate American through the coordination of production across countries.

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The Peterson Institute for International Economic science (PIIE) is an independent nonprofit, nonpartisan research organization defended to strengthening prosperity and human welfare in the global economy through expert analysis and practical policy solutions.

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Since ancient times, humans have sought distant places to settle, produce, and exchange appurtenances enabled by improvements in engineering science and transportation. But not until the 19th century did global integration have off. Following centuries of European colonization and trade activity, that commencement "wave" of globalization was propelled past steamships, railroads, the telegraph, and other breakthroughs, and too by increasing economic cooperation amid countries. The globalization tendency eventually waned and crashed in the catastrophe of World War I, followed by postwar protectionism, the Corking Depression, and Globe War II. Afterward Globe War II in the mid-1940s, the Us led efforts to revive international trade and investment under negotiated ground rules, starting a second wave of globalization, which remains ongoing, though buffeted by periodic downturns and mounting political scrutiny.


Foreign direct investment (FDI) involves establishing ownership or controlling involvement of a concern in another country.

Foreign direct investment (FDI) involves establishing ownership or decision-making involvement of a business in another state.

People's republic of china, Bharat, and Brazil dropped their rates to enter the World Trade Organisation (WTO).

China, India, and Brazil dropped their rates to enter the World Merchandise Organization (WTO).

Global supply chains are product networks that assemble products using parts from around the earth (known asintermediate goods). Today, lxxx percent of globe merchandise is driven by supply chains run by multinational corporations. Trade in intermediate appurtenances is at present nearly twice equally large equally merchandise in final goods and is peculiarly important in advanced manufacturing, like autos.

Global supply chains are production networks that assemble products using parts from around the world (known asintermediate goods). Today, 80 pct of world trade is driven by supply bondage run by multinational corporations. Trade in intermediate goods is now nearly twice as big as trade in final appurtenances and is especially of import in avant-garde manufacturing, like autos.

The surplus in services suggests the competitive strength of Us services in the global marketplace. The United States had an overall trade arrears of $447 billion in 2017, according to the US International Trade Commission, as a result of Americans spending more than than they earn and financing the divergence with strange credit. For more than, watch the video, "Is the US Trade Arrears a Trouble?"

The surplus in services suggests the competitive strength of US services in the global market. The United States had an overall trade deficit of $447 billion in 2017, according to the US International Trade Committee, as a result of Americans spending more than they earn and financing the difference with foreign credit. For more, watch the video, "Is the The states Trade Deficit a Trouble?"

FAQ: What has been the role of international financial flows?

Separate from trade in appurtenances and services, global financial integration is a much-debated but important topic. Here is a quick summary.

Globalization also encompasses the purchase and sale of financial investments

Many countries take large international financial flows or investments, consisting of assets and liabilities. These include FDI, securities (which are bought and sold), and debts. They are more often than not held by or owed to firms, banks and other financial institutions, or governments. This chart shows how yearly The states transactions grew over time as the global economy and financial system became increasingly integrated merely dropped dramatically during the global financial crisis of 2008–09. (Total US strange avails in 2016 were $26 trillion, equal to 140 per centum of US GDP. Total US liabilities to foreigners were $34 trillion in 2016, or 185 per centum of Gdp.)

Some types of investment are relatively stable. Others are more volatile.

This chart shows how FDI has grown steadily while the growth of portfolio holdings (foreign disinterestedness or foreign debt) and "other" assets (which are largely equanimous of bank loans) has been more volatile. Reserves are international assets held past the Usa government.

As a result of financial globalization, countries can be susceptible to crises from sudden stops in capital inflows

This chart shows the plummet of financial inflows to South Korea during 2 periods, the 1997–98 Asian financial crunch and the global fiscal crunch of 2008–09, especially in "other liabilities" like bank loans. Korea was hitting in 2008–09 fifty-fifty though the epicenter of the crisis was in the U.s.a. and Europe.

"I saw that you could not separate the idea of commerce from the idea of state of war and peace. ... [and] that wars were often largely caused by economic rivalry conducted unfairly. ...I embraced the philosophy that…unhampered trade dovetailed with peace; high tariffs, trade barriers, and unfair economical competition, with state of war. ...[I]f we could get a freer flow of trade—freer in the sense of fewer discriminations and obstructions—so that one country would not exist deadly jealous of another and the living standards of all countries might rise, thereby eliminating the economic dissatisfaction that breeds war, we might have a reasonable chance for lasting peace."

Cordell Hull, Secretarial assistant of Land under
President Franklin D. Roosevelt, written in his memoirs in 1948


Later World War II, the United States helped build a global economic order governed by mutually accepted rules and overseen by multilateral institutions. The idea was to create a better world with countries seeking to cooperate with one another to promote prosperity and peace. Gratuitous trade and the rule of law were mainstays of the system, helping to prevent most economic disputes from escalating into larger conflicts. The institutions established include:



Globalization encourages each country to specialize in what it produces best using the least corporeality of resource, known as comparative reward. This concept makes production more efficient, promotes economic growth, and lowers prices of goods and services, making them more than affordable especially for lower-income households.


Larger markets enable companies to reach more than customers and get a higher return on the fixed costs of doing business organization, like edifice factories or conducting research. Engineering firms have taken special advantage of their innovations this way.

Ameliorate QUALITY AND Diversity

Competition from away drives US firms to amend their products. Consumers have meliorate products and more choices as a result.


Expanded trade spurs the spread of engineering, innovation, and the communication of ideas. The best ideas from marketplace leaders spread more easily.


Globalization supports new task opportunities but as well contributes to job deportation. It does not significantly change the full number of positions in the economy, every bit chore numbers are primarily driven by business organisation cycles and Federal Reserve and financial policies. Nevertheless, a Peterson Found study finds 156,250 US manufacturing jobs were lost on net each twelvemonth betwixt 2001 and 2016 from expanded trade in manufactured appurtenances, which represents less than i percent of the workers laid off in a typical yr.1 Low-wage workers in certain regions are most affected. Many of them also face lower earnings or have dropped out of the workforce. Bigger factors than merchandise that bulldoze job displacements are labor-saving technologies, similar automated machines and bogus intelligence. Better-paying positions take opened up in manufactured exports—especially in loftier-tech areas, such as computers, chemicals, and transportation equipment—and other high-skill work, notably in business services, such as finance and existent estate (see Jobs department).


Globalization has helped narrow inequality between the poorest and richest people in the world, with the number living in extreme poverty cut by half since 1990. Simply within many countries, including the U.s.a., inequality is rising. A consensus of scholarly work holds that globalization has contributed marginally to rising US wage inequality, putting this gene at ten to twenty percent. A leading explanation for rise United states of america inequality [pdf] is that technology is reducing demand for certain low- and middle-wage workers and increasing need for high-skilled, higher-paid workers. Wages have as well stagnated, though economists are still debating the verbal causes. Countries exposed to globalization accept alleviated inequality to different degrees through tax and welfare systems. The Usa has done the least amid advanced economies to mobilize regime policies to reduce inequality.

1In 2016, 19.nine million workers [pdf] were laid off or discharged (i.east., involuntary separations).


Globalization changes the types of jobs available but has fiddling issue on the overall number of jobs in the ever-changing U.s.a. labor market. That being said, some workers take directly benefited from expanding global commerce, while others have not. Certain manufacturing and manufacture workers in specific geographic regions lost out, such as those in furniture, apparel, steel, auto parts, and electrical equipment industries in Tennessee, Michigan, and the mid-Atlantic states. A widely cited study [pdf] shows that between 1991 and 2007, lower-wage manufacturing workers within industries that faced import competition experienced large and lasting earnings losses, while higher-wage workers in these industries did not. The lower-wage workers may have lacked the skills and mobility to transition to other lines of work, whereas college-wage workers relocated to companies outside manufacturing. Studies show that globalization has also macerated Us worker bargaining leverage to demand higher wages.

FAQ: What has happened to American manufacturing employment?

Since World War 2, American jobs have increasingly been in service-providing industries instead of manufacturing.

US manufacturing production keeps growing but with fewer employees needed.

The percentage of US jobs in manufacturing has steadily declined since the 1940s, before the rise of Cathay, NAFTA, or the WTO, mainly considering technology has made it easier to produce goods. American industrial production is at historically high levels, merely fewer people are needed to reach this success. Manufacturing employment share has also declined considering consumers are spending a smaller percent of their incomes on manufactured goods and more on services, which include housing, health care, dining out, travel, and legal services. Employment in service industries has grown from about one-half to 84 percent of all nonfarm, nongovernment employment.

Considering US firms often beat international competitors at supplying high-skill services—like engineering science, legal, consulting, research, direction, and information technology—workers in these fields have benefited the most from globalization.

Business-service employment expanded more than 20 percentage between 2006 and 2016. These jobs pay more than than 20 percent higher wages than the average manufacturing job.

Foreign-owned companies that do business in the The states have hired Americans at a faster charge per unit than U.s. individual employers betwixt 2007 and 2015. They as well pay better, do more than research and development, export more, and invest more than the average U.s. firm. The same is true, past comparison with local averages, of US firms that invest away. One in v American manufacturing workers is at present employed by a strange-owned company operating in the U.s..

Demand volition probable increase for more highly-skilled manufacturing workers, in areas such as engineering, direction, finance, figurer and mathematical occupations, and sales. The greatest areas of job growth at present in the United States are in professional and business services, health intendance and social assistance, and educational services. More job training and didactics is needed to set workers for these jobs.


Economists look at the effects of globalization beyond the entire economy to counterbalance the pros vs. cons. Since the overall payoff is then much greater than the costs to individual workers or groups who have lost out, nearly all economists support having an open global market versus closing information technology off (see example).

Note: Trade expansion refers to the effects caused by boosted manufactured imports and exports.Source: Gary Clyde Hufbauer and Zhiyao (Lucy) Lu, The Payoff to America from Globalization: A Fresh Look with a Focus on Costs to Workers. For nautical chart sources, meet Figure 3 in Policy Brief. Total manufacturing job separations from Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Note: Merchandise expansion refers to the effects caused by additional manufactured imports and exports.Source: Gary Clyde Hufbauer and Zhiyao (Lucy) Lu, The Payoff to America from Globalization: A Fresh Look with a Focus on Costs to Workers. For chart sources, see Figure 3 in Policy Cursory. Total manufacturing job separations from Task Openings and Labor Turnover Survey, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Other common arguments:

  • Globalization is like technological progress. Both disrupt some livelihoods while enlarging the economic pie and opening up new and better-paying job opportunities. The internet, for instance, made many jobs obsolete but also created new higher-paying jobs and industries unheard of only a few decades ago.
  • Protectionism helps select groups simply at a higher cost for everyone else. Imposing tariffs on steel, for instance, helps certain domestic steel producers, merely many more than jobs depend on businesses that need some imported steel to brand goods that are affordable. Us consumers cease upwardly paying more for foreign appurtenances because of the tariff and more than for domestic goods considering domestic producers ofttimes enhance prices in the absenteeism of foreign contest. Impairment worsens when trading partners retaliate with their ain tariffs on US exports. US agronomics is especially vulnerable to retaliation.
One report shows that US tariffs on Chinese tires nether President Barack Obama saved one,200 tire manufacturing jobs. But US consumers paid $900,000 per job saved and iii,700 retail jobs were lost every bit tires became more expensive.
  • The United States must proceed open markets to stay competitive globally. Other countries are continuing to open their markets to each other, forming regional supply chains that make product more efficient and products more than affordable within their trading blocs. Past not joining these deals, US exports have a difficult time competing. United states of america businesses may likewise opt to motility operations abroad to gain access to strange markets.
US real income in 2030 is estimated to be $133 billion less than it would accept been if President Trump had remained in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal. Other countries signed a deal in 2018 without the United states of america, giving them preferential access to each other's markets.
  • Operating within a rules-based system allows for peaceful conflict resolution. At that place are cases when unfair trade practices and abuses harm US producers. Maintaining international systems to address those bug is central to preventing mutually destructive trade wars—fifty-fifty existent wars. Economic integration strengthens US security alliances, while trade wars weaken the ability of the United states of america to collaborate with allies.

FAQ: How can the U.s. help workers find new jobs without sacrificing trade gains?

In an ideal world, displaced workers from trade competition could find new jobs, sometimes by moving or gaining new skills. In reality, it has been very hard for many of these workers to transition, with lasting furnishings on individuals and their communities. Merchandise expert Gary Clyde Hufbauer points out that the national income gains from expanded trade are at least x times greater than what is needed to meaningfully aid workers who lose their jobs to import competition.

Instead of sacrificing trade gains, many economists recommend domestic policies like wage insurance, expanded tax credits, amend unemployment benefits, and subsidies for health insurance for all displaced workers regardless of the crusade. Such policies could reduce worker feet about job turnover across the lath, whether it exist from merchandise or other bigger factors. Currently, there is government support through a program called Trade Aligning Assistance (TAA), though information technology only helps workers directly impacted past trade and the amounts paid are express. The United States spends only a fifth of what other advanced economies spend on boilerplate to assistance people detect new jobs through education, training, job search assistance, and other active labor market programs.

Broader domestic policies can also help workers adapt to the continuously changing job market, such as admission to college educational activity and health intendance, just Americans remain conflicted about the regime's office in these social safety internet programs. Other advanced economies take mostly increased the size of government programs as they opened upwardly to merchandise.

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Prc'Southward Rise IN THE GLOBAL Economy CREATES COMPLICATED Problems

As a major world trading partner and manufacturing hub, Red china has go one of the most dominant forces in the global economy. Information technology entered the World Merchandise System in 2001 and undertook many reforms, cut tariffs and other trade barriers. But it still has not completely transformed into a market-oriented economic system every bit its trading partners expected. Many big Chinese companies have close ties with the authorities, and certain practices have skewed the playing field in merchandise. For instance, China's government unfairly demands that US intellectual property be handed over in sure cases as the cost of doing business organization at that place. And Beijing routinely subsidizes its industries. These practices discriminate against non only Americans but also US allies.

U.s.a. administrations take taken unlike approaches to deal with these concerns. Negotiated under President Obama, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement was intended to entice Red china to improve its practices past assuasive the country in on the lucrative deal only if it agreed to new rules, but President Trump withdrew from the deal. There are ongoing efforts started in December 2017 by the European Union, United States, and Japan to negotiate new rules that would potentially be embedded within the WTO.

In 2018, the Trump administration started imposing tariffs on People's republic of china citing a variety of reasons, including helping American manufacturing, countering forced engineering science transfers, and reducing Prc's large bilateral trade surplus in goods. Beijing retaliated with its own tariffs on US goods, escalating into a merchandise war. Past late 2019, tariffs had increased to around xx percent and new duties covered over half of exports from each land. To prevent further escalation, Communist china committed to a "phase one bargain" to expand purchases from the United States in 2020 and 2021, but it is unlikely Cathay will meet its targets, and the deal does not address many concerns, including China's industrial subsidies. Evidence to appointment is that the cost of tariffs has been borne by importing companies, sometimes resulting in higher prices for consumers. Tariffs remain elevated under President Joseph R. Biden Jr., as of mid-2021.

The trade war with China illustrates how globalization has become then widely entrenched in the The states and world economies that undoing its complicated web of activities risks other damaging consequences. Below is a list of various protectionist actions and their economical, diplomatic, and national security risks.

Trade actions


Engaging in a trade war, with escalating tit-for-tat tariffs

  • Both countries lose economically when trade volumes decline
  • Costs rise, harming U.s. competitiveness and making it harder for families to beget products
  • Retaliation hurts US exports

Withdrawing from gratuitous trade agreements

  • Disrupts global supply chains that domestic businesses, workers, and consumers rely on to concord costs and inflation downwardly
  • Tin can put the United states of america at a disadvantage since other countries continue to strike their ain deals with each other that meliorate their competitiveness
  • Leads to college tariffs on US exports, which would dampen sales and hurt United states businesses and workers
  • Jeopardizes role of the U.s. equally a world leader in international cooperation, making it more difficult to achieve solutions on national security, clearing, and the environment

Violating WTO rules or circumventing established processes

  • Weakens rules-based trading system that the United states and much of the world relies on to continue foreign markets open and settle disputes

Promoting "Buy America" policies

  • Causes more lost jobs than they create every bit other countries retaliate
  • Makes government purchases more expensive

Imposing tariffs to relieve US manufacturing jobs at specific companies

  • Saves few jobs at very loftier price to taxpayers and consumers
  • With global supply chains dominating world trade, it is hard to hitting another country and avoid hitting your ain or your allies

Restricting imports from specific countries to endeavor to reduce bilateral trade deficits

  • Does non improve the overall US trade arrears
  • Bilateral trade deficits are not an appropriate measure for economical improvement
  • Not a successful negotiating strategy for trade deals
  • Countries can and will retaliate


How do Americans feel most globalization? Listening to the debates can be confusing. Not surprisingly, polls vary widely depending on how and when the question is posed.

Globalization can exist a hard sell to the public because the benefits are widely distributed and not every bit hands understood, compared with the personal costs to very specific companies or workers.

The problem is compounded because policymakers have done fiddling to assistance workers and communities adjust at a time when the wealthiest Americans have gained the virtually in recent years. In general, younger people are more supportive of free trade, equally about have never known a globe without the current system.

Before 2016, Republicans more often than not favored US trade deals and Democrats mostly voted against them. President Trump canceled TPP and threatened withdrawing from NAFTA, the Korea-US Costless Merchandise Agreement (KORUS) (later revised and signed), and the WTO. His administration negotiated the Usa-Mexico-Canada Understanding (USMCA) to replace NAFTA; the agreement entered into force in 2020. Some GOP congressional members spoke out against Trump on certain trade bug (see example) or drafted bills to limit his say-so on tariffs. The Trump assistants pushed for more ability to impose tariffs.

Survey Question: In general do you think that free trade agreements between the United States and other countries have been a good thing or a bad thing for the United States?

This Pew Research poll finds more support than not for free trade agreements. But a 2016 Bloomberg poll asked, "Do you think US trade policy should have more restrictions on imported foreign goods to protect American jobs, or have fewer restrictions to enable American consumers to have the most choices and the lowest prices?" This resulted in 65 percent of respondents wanting more restrictions, the opposite of the sentiment expressed in the Pew poll.

This Pew Research poll finds more support than not for costless trade agreements. But a 2016 Bloomberg poll asked, "Do you recollect US trade policy should have more restrictions on imported foreign goods to protect American jobs, or have fewer restrictions to enable American consumers to accept the well-nigh choices and the lowest prices?" This resulted in 65 percentage of respondents wanting more restrictions, the reverse of the sentiment expressed in the Pew poll.


The global economy has yielded enormous economic gains for the United States, but issues undoubtedly remain. There are abuses within the system and rules need to be updated. Merchandise agreements should account for the modern digital age. Disputes continue on the trade of certain appurtenances—whether items are flooding other markets too much, how industries are existence subsidized, lingering protections on specific goods or economic sectors, etc. Solving these types of bug, which will inevitably arise and change over time, is best done through negotiation and coordination with trading partners—applying due process—in club to prevent costly trade wars, where more and more than barriers stop up pain all sides.

Simply trade negotiations tin only get then far. Not enough has been done to help those who have lost out from trade contest. And the reality is that the problems people face today get in beyond the effects of globalization. Manual work is increasingly being automated, lowering need for workers. Wages are stagnant, as health intendance and college education costs rise. Inequality is widening.

Domestic policies that support not just those left behind considering of merchandise competition but all Americans will maximize gains while ensuring inclusive growth critical for national well-being and preventing erosion of multilateral systems that the United States helped build and that have served the country—and the world—well for most of the last century.

The global market even so has slap-up potential for the United states of america economic system. With anyone in the globe now a text, click, call, or plane flying abroad, 95 percent of potential customers for appurtenances and services are outside the Us, set to purchase goods and services from other countries if US producers are barred from their markets. If American producers want to reach those consumers, the United States must permit producers from overseas reach American consumers, as they have over the years for cars, appliances, smartphones, and other products Americans want. More open trade could add another $540 billion to the US economy by 2025, equivalent to $ane,600 a year in income per person.

Here are some of the crucial areas that economists accept proposed the Us should focus on, as outlined in many studies at the Peterson Institute and other policy organizations. While these goals are simply stated and apparently will pose challenges to resolve, the stakes are high to rebuild trust in a global arrangement that has helped secure prosperity and peace.

Invest in better and more than inclusive education to prepare people for tomorrow's economy.

Give all displaced workers sufficient financial and administrative support to discover new jobs and some bounty for lost income.

Address growing income inequality through the tax system and spending programs.

Make certain the healthcare system does not impede workers from finding new jobs or crusade significant fiscal hardship.

Employ free merchandise agreements to improve the competitiveness of US businesses, increase total trade, and boost overall economic growth.

Work inside the WTO and various costless trade agreements to settle disputes, ensure fairness, protect intellectual property and investment rights, and promote reciprocity and growth. Improve the rules of the system rather than abandon them.

Coordinate with allies to confront merchandise abuses.

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Appurtenances are physical, produced items traded between countries, like corn, machinery parts, or chemicals.

Services are business organisation activities conducted between countries, such equally tourism, finance, insurance, real estate, scientific discipline exchanges, professional services, business management, educational activity, health care, arts, entertainment, accommodation, and food services.

Exports are appurtenances and services that are sold to individuals or companies outside of their country of origin.

Imports are goods or services purchased from outside the country.

A trade deficit occurs when spending on imports exceeds what is earned from selling exports. A merchandise surplus is the opposite, when earnings from exports top spending on imports. A country's trade balance, either a surplus or arrears, is non affected by tariffs or trade agreements simply by larger economical factors, like government spending and monetary policy.

Protectionism is the term for government restrictions on international trade aimed at blocking foreign products and driving companies and consumers to buy domestically produced goods and services. The government may enact taxes on imports (called tariffs), limits on the quantity of imports (called quotas), subsidies to domestic industries, or other regulations. Tariffs are paid past domestic importers, not foreign governments or exporters.

Trade liberalization is the opposite of protectionism—when countries allow people and businesses to buy and sell across borders with fewer restrictions. In this context, liberal refers to more free or open up trade.


Written by Melina Kolb
Edited past Madona Devasahayam, Helen Hillebrand, and Steven R. Weisman
Graphics by William Melancon
Videos past Daniel Housch
Chart data collected by Christopher G. Collins and Soyoung Han
Additional research by Anjali Bhatt, Cathleen Cimino-Isaacs, and Zhiyao (Lucy) Lu

Special thanks to C. Fred Bergsten, Chad P. Bown, Cullen S. Hendrix, Gonzalo Huertas, Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Douglas A. Irwin, Fredrick Toohey, Jeffrey J. Schott, and Eitan Urkowitz for their contributions.

This characteristic was outset published on October 29, 2018 and last updated on Baronial 24, 2021.

© 2021 Peterson Plant for International Economics. All rights reserved.

The Peterson Institute for International Economics is an contained nonprofit, nonpartisan research system dedicated to strengthening prosperity and homo welfare in the global economy through expert analysis and applied policy solutions. The Institute discloses all sources of funding, which comes through donations and grants from corporations, individuals, private foundations, and public institutions, as well every bit income on the Institute's capital fund and from publishing revenues. Donors do not influence the conclusions or policy implications drawn from Plant research. All Institute research is held to strict standards of replicability and academic integrity. Visit piie.com to learn more.

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